Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Body Beautiful or a Grandma? You decide..

In the past couple of weeks we have been researching some of the major struggles women have had to deal with regarding finding their inner beauty.  We have been intrigued by the struggle of one woman who most people know of very well. Jessica Simpson is a young woman with a promising career and a life that women around the world long for. To the naked eye one may feel that she lives the privileged life, however it was not until 2009 when her torment began. Jessica was always a smaller woman who carried her weight well, until the past year when she grew into a fuller and more robust figure. Though she was heavier than she normally had been weight wise, Jessica was healthy and in no rush to change her lifestyle. Tabloids and media outlets around the country put the spotlight on her quick weight gain publishing articles slamming Jessica and her now "grandma pants" she must wear. Titles such as "Bullied For My Weight," were spread across gossip magazines filling store shelves. Without any permission given, photos taken of Jessica in here recent state were passed around and scowled at by media moguls.
 Unlike other starlets such as Tyra Banks and Jennifer Love Hewitt who harshly responded to the fat statements, Jessica took a much more constructive approach to her situation. Jessica took the opportunity to fire back at the pregnancy rumors regarding her weight gain on Oprah, pose on the cover of Marie Claire with no airbrush alterations or enhancements to her picture as well as hosting and producing her own show on VH1 called "The Price of Beauty." This documented Jessica's own weight struggle as well as provided a journey to find what beauty means to women in cultures around the world. Jessica has dealt with the criticism's and hurtful rumors in a mature manner and provided this statement on the Oprah Winfrey show; "We all obsess over looking like the perfect Barbie type, and that's not always what's beautiful." "The fact that I was famous last year for gaining 10 pounds is ridiculous and really sad." 

Jessica Simpson is the prime example for a True Beauty role model as she accepts and loves herself for who she is as a person no matter what size jeans she wears. 

Check out this link from Oprah.com of the extreme measures women from Finland take in order to achieve their own version of beauty: www.oprah.com/oprahshow/Finnish-Womans-Extreme-Beauty-Ritual-Video

Relevant Critical Attributes:

·        Beauty- Often beauties, something that is beautiful in Nature or in some natural or artificial environment. An example of this would be an individual’s personality.
·        Self-Confidence- Realistic confidence in one’s own judgment, ability, power etc. For example, having the confidence in yourself to believe that a successful life can be lead.

True Beauty Focus Questions:

·        What is your own definition of True Beauty?
·        What about yourself do you feel is beautiful? This could be something physical or internal.
·        Do you feel that your level of self-confidence in yourself is adequate or could it be better?·        If so, what aspects do you feel lower your self-confidence? For example, personal experiences, judgment or criticisms?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"- Plato

The issue of true beauty has recently exploded into a global issue that effects women around the world. Outlets such as the media, environment and society all contribute to how women as individuals view true beauty and what it means to be beautiful. It comes as no surprise that the media, print magazines and society all play huge roles in ultimately brainwashing women into believing that they are not beautiful unless they fit into the skinny, super model stereotype. Women who are not "lucky" enough to be part of this mode often suffer from severe loss of self-esteem as well as acquiring a body image complex. By taking part in a project of this stature we will conduct research on cultures around the world and examine what measures women take to make themselves "beautiful". For example, women who are part of the Indian culture are often seen with a small jewel between their eyes. At first glance many are quick to judge their character, however what these people do not understand is that the jewel is significant to the lifestyle of that woman and often believed to ward off any evil entities. The different sizes, shapes and color of the jewels dictate aspects of a the woman's life such as if she is married, widowed, single, a mother etc. These women, along with millions of others who may look different than the rest of us are constantly ignored and labeled with criticizing names.

As young women living in a media influenced society we have all experienced the pains associated with not being super model skinny, or having the perfect body and can easily relate to this topic. We truly believe that even though every woman comes in different shapes, sizes and skin colors we are all the same. We are women who share the common battle of feeling beautiful in our own skin and need to come together in this cause and make a change! 

While you follow our blog and our journey in our fight for beauty ask yourself these questions: Am I comfortable in my own skin? What can I do to help and get involved within this cause? 

"A soul that sees beauty, may sometimes walk alone." - Johann von Goeth 

URL- What is Beauty? The REAL definition of a beautiful woman.