Thursday, November 4, 2010

True Beauty Workshop

In order to complete our service learning project we decided to utilize one of the local outlets that were holding a workshop for young girls on our topic. This past summer Deanna worked at the Boys and Girls Club as a counselor, which was gracious enough to invite us to their club and participate in the popular Dove Beauty workshop they were holding. While at this workshop each of us were able to break away and be part of the different stations set up which included healthy relationships, healthy diets, body beautiful (focused on body image) and many more. We chose to participate in this even as it directly correlates to our topic of True Beauty. We were able to associate with many young girls who have been through or are currently going through some of the issues the three of us have faced growing up as young women influenced by the media and print ad. It was a humbling experience to see young girls from ages 8-20 come together in harmony and speak of their own problems, with arms wide open willing to help others around them in any way they could.

The workshop hosted by Boys and Girls Clubs around America this month truly aids the greater good by spreading the word to females around the country that no matter what shape, size, color, race or sexual orientation one may possess, we are all united in the fight for True Beauty. We must all learn to love ourselves for who we are as a person and not for what the magazines, television ad's or supermodels tell us we "should" be. Collectively we have decided that this was one project each of us truly enjoyed as it meant something to us in many different ways. We hope to continue or work on this project and help girls feel good about who they are in any way we can, whether that be comforting our own sisters, students and friends when they too have been faced with a related issue. Yes, we would incorporate a service learning project into our own classrooms as this is an activity which truly provides the student with a feeling of self-worth, and shows them how even though they may be just one person they too can make a difference!

Self- Reflections:

The workshops held by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Dove and many other fine institutions around the country which are directly related to the topic of True Beauty are ones that truly make a difference in the lives of young girls and women alike. This topic is one that touches the lives of women around the world including myself which is the main reason why I have become so passionate about the topic. While working and participating in the workshop at the club I was able to make connections with other young women who have had and/or are currently going through some of the same qualms I have in my own life. Personally this has helped me to realize that though I may not like everything I see when I look in the mirror at times, I am beautiful inside and out; something that has not always been easy to do. The greater good is most definitely one of the main beneficiaries of a service learning project such as this. I would most definitely complete a project like this again if I were given the chance. I truly enjoyed spending time at work helping young girls understand that they are beautiful and both media/print ad's are not a good source to admire. It was my mission throughout this project to help women and young girls to understand that no matter what size, shape, or skin color we are all beautiful in our own way, and in order to harness our inner true beauty we must first learn to love ourselves for who we are as an individual. Yes, this is a project that I would most certainly utilize in an upper elementary grade level classroom for the simple fact that I would want them to be able to complete the project to the best of their abilities with little to no confusion. I feel as though younger audiences would not take to this project as easily as older students who may prove to be more invested in the process of serving the greater good and letting their own voices/opinions be heard. The feeling of accomplishment is like no other and one that I feel each person as an individual need to experience at least once in their lives no matter what age. This is an activity which truly provides the student with a feeling of self-worth, and shows them how even though they may be just one person they too can make a difference! - Deanna 

The impact true beauty service learning had on the greater good was showing what true beauty really is, their inner beauty.Yes I would do something like this again because knowing about true beauty shows young girls, along with myself, that you don’t have to be a certain height, weight or look, like society seems to be telling us via magazines and television, which in turn will hopefully bring their self-confidence and esteem up.I would have students create their own service learning project because it can open their eyes on certain topics and have a different perspective on that topic than they did previously. - Amanda

I believe that this project impacted the greater good because we got a hands on experience of encouraging young girls to look past what media thinks is beautiful. We saw young girls that were too young to be influenced by the media in such a way. We were able to tell our own stories of struggles with the media while the young girls reached out to us and it was an amazing feeling to see that we could make an impact that may change the way someone lives in a positive way.  I would love to do this again. I do not believe that young girls should try to be anything but themselves. We are all not super models and to try to achieve that then we are taking away from our individuality. We become one and not our own person. I like to help people strive to be the best that can be. I think its important to give back to the community. I think I would teach my students to do a service learning project only because it its important to be apart of a community. - Leanne

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